Thursday, July 29, 2010


Been thinking about trying a few WAHM made diapers. Any suggestions on a few? Which ones have you tried and loved? Either fitteds, pockets, AIO. it doesn't matter, just suggest one to me and if it's at a reasonable price, I may try it out and then blog about it
The Poopie Queen

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

Thank you to all who is reading my blog! And all the new fans I have gotten on facebook! YAY!
We need all the help we can get to spread the word on cloth! I just love it, I once read......You wouldn't wear paper panties so why make your baby wear paper diapers! SOOOO true. It must feel great having that super softness on the bum! I know if I was a baby I would love it if my mama clothed me. Well my mom did and so am I.
Some say it's so hard and they don't want to try, but once you get the routine, it's no harder then anything else.
So, I say we all pat ourselves on the back and say Good Job Mama's! I'm so proud of each and every one of you!

The Poopie Queen

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Facebook Page

I started a facebook page to get the word out to all of us addicts out there lol
Its Cloth Diaper Addicts Annonymous
Check it out This will be fun

On a side note.............what cloth diaper do you go for first thing in the morning? Do yo have a certain one you just love?

The Poopie Queen

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cloth Diapers Annonymous

I created this blog to discuss cloth diapers. Everything cloth because yes, I am an addict! I wish there was a support group around here, Cloth Diapers Annonymous. I would probably be the first member. Why am I addicted you ask? Well I dont know, maybe it has to do with all the cute bright colors, pastel colors, prints, solids oh my! I love the velcro (well sometimes), the snaps, the pre-folds and covers. Yes you heard that correctly, I love pre-folds just the same. You know what they say, everyone needs love sometime and I do my part loving the pre-folds. Sure they are a little more time consuming for me but I think one day I 'll get the hang of it!
The detergents are all so cutely packaged and although I can not find any in a store near me, maybe we should work on that, I love seeing my package arrive arrive in the mail and then the cute pretty package full of all that wonderful goodness! A great detergent is priceless I thnk we'll all agree!
So, this is just a taste of what this blog will be about, cloth diapers and all the accessories that go with it cause yes, I am an addict and I must make you one too!!
The Poopie Queen